Historic Alliance Marks New Era In South African Politics

South Africa: ANC, DA Form Coalition Government

Historic Alliance Marks New Era in South African Politics

Fragile Coalition Elects Cyril Ramaphosa to Second Term as President

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (June 23, 2024) – A fragile coalition of lawmakers in South Africa elected Cyril Ramaphosa for a second term as president on Friday, marking a new era in the country's political landscape.

The African National Congress (ANC), led by Ramaphosa, has gracefully accepted that it has lost its parliamentary majority for the first time. In an unprecedented move, the ANC forged an alliance with its staunchest adversary, the White-led Democratic Alliance (DA).

Ten South African political parties agreed to form a ruling alliance, completing the first phase of a historic agreement. The coalition government will be led by Ramaphosa, with DA leader John Steenhuisen serving as deputy president.

The new alliance faces significant challenges, including a fragile economy, high unemployment, and deep-rooted social divisions. However, the coalition partners have pledged to work together to address these issues and build a more prosperous and equitable South Africa.

In his inaugural address, Ramaphosa thanked the coalition partners for their support and pledged to work tirelessly to unite the country. He also acknowledged the challenges ahead but expressed optimism that the new government would overcome them.

The formation of a coalition government is a significant step forward for South Africa. It marks a new era of cooperation and compromise in the country's politics. While the coalition faces many challenges, it also presents an opportunity for South Africa to move beyond its divisive past and build a more inclusive and prosperous future.

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