Lgbtq Kindergarten Berlin

Germany's First Rainbow Daycare to Open in Schöneberg

Planned opening in 2023

Majority of staff to identify as LGBTI

Germany's first rainbow daycare is set to open in the Schöneberg district of Berlin in 2023. The daycare, which will be called Rosarote Tiger und Gelbgrüne Panther (Pink Tigers and Yellow-Green Panthers), will be staffed primarily by individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex (LGBTI).

The daycare is the brainchild of the Queer Advice Centre Berlin Schwulenberatung Berlin (Schwulenberatung Berlin Queer Advice Centre). The center has been working for several years to establish a daycare that is specifically designed to meet the needs of LGBTI families.

The Rosarote Tiger und Gelbgrüne Panther daycare will offer a safe and supportive environment for children of all backgrounds. The daycare will also provide resources and support for LGBTI parents.

The opening of Germany's first rainbow daycare is a significant step forward for the LGBTI community. It sends a clear message that LGBTI families are welcome and valued in Germany.

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